Goodwin Library/Media Specialist

Cornelia Brown

Christine Bairos

Christine Bairos
Click the Follett Destiny Library Catalog button to search the OSPS Library Catalog.
i-SAFE Inc. is the worldwide leader in Internet safety education. Founded in 1998 and endorsed by the U.S. Congress, i-SAFE is a non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting the online experiences of youth everywhere. i-SAFE incorporates classroom curriculum with dynamic community outreach to empower students, teachers, parents, law enforcement, and concerned adults to make the Internet a safer place.
Click the Acton Public Library button to go to the Acton Public Library Catalog Search.
With the ease of copying and ripping of digital information, it is important that our students respect the intellectual property of others. This page includes links to teach about fair use, Creative Commons, and supplies some ideas to help students internalize this important aspect of becoming a good digital citizen.
The State of Connecticut has provided a great kid portal. Click on the button to visit!
ResearchIT is part of the Connecticut Education Network. It provides all students, faculty and residents with online access to essential library and information resources. It is administered by the Connecticut State Library in conjunction with the Department of Higher Education. Through ResearchIT, a core level of information resources including secured access to licensed databases is available to every citizen in Connecticut. In addition, specialized research information is available to college students and faculty.