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Lisa Martin
Teacher: World Language
Old Saybrook Middle School
Lauren Zehnder
Coach: Girls Soccer
Old Saybrook High School
Caitlyn Arathuzik
Nurse: Goodwin
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Michelle Hartel
Business Assistant
Central Office
Emily Prete
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Jeanne King
Payroll/Human Resources
Central Office
Nicole Willis
Old Saybrook High School
Andrea Anderegg
Social Worker
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Amanda Beck
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Alison Hansen
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Amber Maly-Bingham
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Grace Adams
Old Saybrook High School
Dana Kalksma
Occupational Therapist
Old Saybrook Middle School
Steve Woods
LTS English
Old Saybrook High School
Marybeth McGrath
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Chris Drezek
Central Office
Casey Strickland
Coach: Assistant Cross-country
Old Saybrook High School
Alex Rosenhein
Teacher: Biology
Old Saybrook High School
Sheila Dunning
Administrative Assistant
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Abby Fredrickson
Coach: Assistant Softball
Old Saybrook High School