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Matthew Walton
Associate Principal
Old Saybrook Middle School
Stephen Waters
Coach: JV Boys Soccer
Old Saybrook High School
Matt Watts St. Germain
Coach: JV Boys Basketball
Old Saybrook High School
Robyn Webb
Teacher: Information Technology
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Laura Westner
Teacher: Physical Education
Old Saybrook High School
Olivia Whitehead
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Kris Williams
Old Saybrook Middle School
Karen Williams
Physical Therapist
Kathleen E. Goodwin Elementary School
Timothy Wood
Teacher: Social Studies: Grade 7
Old Saybrook Middle School
Michelle Woolery
Old Saybrook Middle School
Nicholas Yacovou
Grade 7 SPED Teacher
Old Saybrook Middle School
Eric Yale
Teacher: Grade 5
Old Saybrook Middle School
Cynthia Zajac
Student Services Support
Central Office
Tonya Ziegler
District Nurse Coord: Health Services
Old Saybrook Middle School
Manon Zumbaum
Teacher: World Language
Old Saybrook High School